I was really amused to see a news item the other day where Ms. Pamela Anderson is giving some free advice to our BMC. The advice is about how to deal with the dog menace.
While Ms. Pamela's experience with dogs would be limited to those concerning some well-trained pet hounds, she finds herself qualified enough to give an opinion on the topic.
I wonder if she had to ever walk alone in the night, in that skimpy outfit of hers, through a road full of stray dogs. Has any of her kids been bitten or worse, killed by a ferocious hound. Whether the road dogs have kept her awake with their incessant, meaningless barking.
We have been talking about sterilisation but I keep seeing stray puppies every now and then and I don't find them cute anymore. Obviously, nothing is being done or if something is indeed being done, it's not working. I really fear the safety of the kids (whether mine or other's). I want to walk and ride around without the fear of being followed and then bitten (I almost fell off my bike on one occasion).
This menace has to come to an end and if it requires some tough measures then so be it. The stray dogs will get freedom from their futile lives and hopefully get a more meaningful rebirth - maybe some of them as pets of Ms. Pamela!
3 weeks ago